(CTEI网讯) 会议:第十二届亚洲纺织会议暨2013中国纺织学术年会 时间:2013年10月24-26日 地点:上海东华大学 分会场:现代纺织装备技术 报告题目:喷气涡流纺喷嘴模型——同心圆管内切向引射旋流结构初探 报告人:裴泽光
报告英文简介: nserted inside the groove of sewing needle and ambient factors like room humidity and temperature impact is measured for the heating of sewing needle. The Lock stitch machine (Brother, DD7100-905) is run at its maximum speed of 4700RPM with stitch length of 14 SPI and temperature of needle is measured by thermocouple inserted inside the groove of needle to measure needle temperature for a maximum of 60 seconds of sewing.2/1 twill 100%cotton denim fabric with 257GSM with two layers were used and it was observed that with the increase of relative humidity there is insignificant increase of sewing needle temperature but still Use of fan for cooling causes a decrease of sewing needle temperature at higher relative humidity level. Whereas the needle temperature rises with the increase of ambient temperature. At sewing floor the ambient temperature must be set carefully to keep the sewing needle temperature low. The article is useful for knowing the impact of ambient temperature and humidity on sewing needle temperature.
【专题】第十二届亚洲纺织会议暨2013中国纺织学术年会 http://www.ctei.gov.cn/special/2013nzt/atc12/
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