(CTEI网讯) 会议:第十二届亚洲纺织会议暨2013中国纺织学术年会 时间:2013年10月24-26日 地点:上海东华大学 分会场:现代纺织装备技术 报告题目:推进智能化纺织技术,打造新型无人化棉纺数字工厂 报告人:李颖新
报告英文简介: The 3D circular loom for weaving 3D tubular fabric with carbon fibers is composed of 5 main function modules. They are warp let-off, shedding, weft insertion, draw-off and diameter control modules. In order to simplify design procedure, an integration of Axiomatic Design (AD) theory and Design Structure Matrix (DSM) was applied. The theoretical derivation of compound design matrix AD and DSM with the analysis of circular loom’s FRs and DPs is presented in the paper. And based on this, some schemes of mechanical design were proposed in order to weave carbon fiber.
【专题】第十二届亚洲纺织会议暨2013中国纺织学术年会 http://www.ctei.gov.cn/special/2013nzt/atc12/
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