(CTEI网讯) 会议:第十二届亚洲纺织会议暨2013中国纺织学术年会 时间:2013年10月24-26日 地点:上海东华大学 分会场:高品质产业用纺织品 报告题目:电晕充电驻极体纤维状介质的电荷衰减行为研究 报告人:Rashmi Thakur
报告英文简介: The corona-charged fibrous electrets are known as dielectric media that carry quasi permanent charge, which is induced by the process of corona discharge. They are extensively used in air filtration application due to their ability to offer very high filtration efficiency at low pressure drop. The products include HVAC filters, HEPA filters, vacuum cleaner bags, respirators, facemasks, to name a few. The filtration performance of these filter media is known to be related to their charge storage capability. This work reports on a study of charge decay in corona-charged fibrous electrets. A series of fibrous electrets was prepared by using thermoplastic polypropylene and employing corona discharge process. The process parameters of corona discharge process were varied systematically and their effects on the charge decay behavior of fibrous electrets were examined. A double exponential function was used to explain the charge decay behavior of fibrous electrets. The charge decay profile of fibrous electrets was found to consist of a quick-decay component and a slow-decay component. It thus raised a hypothesis of two mutually independent phenomena that are acting together additively and causing the decay of charge in fibrous electrets. At lower applied voltage, the weightage of the slow-decay component was remarkably higher than that of the quick-decay component. With the increase in applied voltage, the weightage of quick-decay component was increased, while the weightage of slow-decay component was decreased. The rates of quick-decay as well as slow-decay components were increased with the increase in applied voltage. But, with the increase in charging time, the rates of quick-decay as well as slow-decay components started decreasing till the minimum values were obtained and increased thereafter. A similar observation was made on the effect of distance between electrodes on the rates of quick-decay as well as slow-decay components.
【专题】第十二届亚洲纺织会议暨2013中国纺织学术年会 http://www.ctei.gov.cn/special/2013nzt/atc12/
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